My Experience With BBL Hero Treatment

The BBL Hero treatment is a great way to reduce hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage on almost any part of the body - not just the face!
This blog post is sponsored by Dermapure Kelowna. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
When I connected with Dermapure about the opportunity to try out this new treatment they were offering, I initially asked myself, "Do I need this?" I didn't think that I had very much sun damage to my face however after experiencing one treatment, I was shocked at how much I actually did have and how much one treatment made a difference.
What is BBL Hero?
The BBL (Broad Band Laser) HERO® treatment, uses intense pulsed light to target the pigment within the skin. It flashes specialized light as it is quickly moved across the treatment area. The pigment is initially darkened, helping you know that you had an optimal treatment. Within the next several days, your body’s natural healing process will remove the pigmented cells and replace them with fresh, new, undamaged cells. (information sourced from Dermapure)
What is innovative about this treatment is that this treatment improves the skin’s appearance anywhere on the body – including arms, legs, chest, shoulders and beyond – with shorter, more convenient treatment times.
My Before & After
I have always been "the proof is in the pudding" kinda gal and I think it's so important to share the before and after of my treatment. As mentioned I started off as freckly, thinking nothing of them and not realizing that the freckles were surrounded by splotches of hyperpigmentation.

At my first treatment, I didn't know what to expect. I had to wear protective eyewear for this procedure. Initially the technician inspected my skin for any blood vessel damage or darker pigmentation and used a laser to zap those spots directly. It literally feels like a zap. Tolerable but zingy! Next a gel is applied to your face so that the laser can smooth over your skin with ease. The laser works as a series of flashes as it moves across your face. The technician will go over your face a few times at different frequencies to ensure they're getting as deep as possible into your skin. I would rate the pain/discomfort level at about a 5/10. It is HOT! But it moves over your skin pretty quickly.
The next photo below is 1 week after the treatment. You can see there are darker spots that have come up and they almost look scab like. This is what happens as your skin begins to repair itself. The dark spots eventually flake off and you're left with fresh skin!

It is recommended to do this procedure before the sunny weather hits your area so as to achieve maximum benefits of the treatment. I had 3 treatments in total: 2 before July and 1 in October.
Below is a photo of me today which would be 1 week after my final treatment. You can see that my skin is virtually clear apart from some spots that are flat moles. None of theses photos have been touched up or filtered. I ensured I took the photos in the same place so the lighting is always the same. You can see a significant difference between my before and final treatment. It's amazing isn't it!

If you're interested to see if BBL Hero is right for you, you can book a free consultation by connecting with Dermapure. You can also use the code THECAKEMAMA20 for 20% off any non medical treatment. (Physician treatments, injectables & products are NOT included)
Special thanks to Dermapure Kelowna for gifting me this treatment.