Well Hello Perimenopause..
Can't believe we're at this stage of life, but while we're here we may as well make the best of it right?

The Back Story
It's the new year already and I'm almost 60 days into HRT therapy..but let me backtrack a bit and tell you the story of how I got here. When I turned 40- I, like many people at the doorstep of another decade, mourned and grieved my youth. LOL. My 30's were great! I was in the best shape of my life and a few years into my 30's my husband and I decided that we wanted to add one more member to our family. Enter: Elias! He is such a gift and the road to get to him wasn't easy which added to the gratitude we had when he was born.
8 weeks postpartum I found myself running an 8k. Who does that? I absolutely did not train, I was in the throes of postpartum everything (depression, anxiety, hormonal drops) my milk supply was garbage (such a blow to a mom who managed to breastfeed both her other children) AND my son had issues with reflux. BUT what I did have in me somehow was the urge to try to get back to who I was. I mean, I was already a mom to 2 kids- how hard could having one more be? This- was a humbling experience at 33. Everything I thought I knew as a mother was out the window because so much time had passed between having kids. My second child was already 5 years old. In those days we were told by the hospital that we were not supposed to swaddle our newborn babies- is that not the wildest thing you've ever heard? I'm digressing here LOL.
Anyways! In one way or another my body has never been the same after that last pregnancy...and I remember continuously struggling to find myself as a mom to a newborn and 2 older children (aged 5 and 9 at that time). I put myself last and never made a consistent effort to put my health first. Fast forward to turning 40 and finally starting to prioritize my health by exercising regularly and being somewhat conscious of eating well. If you've been following along on Instagram you may remember me saying that I "reluctantly" exercise LOL because truthfully it never brought me joy, it's just something I knew I had to do. And I saw results. At least, everything I was doing was keeping me status quo. Until it didn't.
Well Hello Perimenopause
I ate well, I exercised regularly and while I didn't see much movement on the scale, I did see changes in my body measurements. But then my midsection grew (despite getting a couple treatments of Coolsculpting) and the scale climbed. I felt like a furnace; opening the car window in freezing temperatures outside. There were nights when I woke up in a puddle of sweat or nights when I didn't sleep at wink. I was also depressed and anxious without any real reason. I'd be driving to pick up my son from school in tears for no apparent reason. I had the anxiety poops on a daily basis. Was this...perimenopause?!
So- I suffered like this for about 1.5 years. Ladies! We do not have to suffer like this! There are many different ways that symptoms of perimenopause can be treated...and I wish I knew that when I turned 40. Heck, I wish I knew that when I was 35 as studies show women start experiencing certain symptoms of perimenopause from mid 30s onward. You don't have to have irregular periods to be considered in the perimenopause phase of life.
Getting Answers
I'm so grateful for social media because without it I would not have learned so much about my body and how to get the support I need. I'm also grateful for an incredible health care provider. My doctor is wonderful and validating! I came to her with my concerns and she supported me and suggested I document my health journey for 3 months so I could report back to her what I was doing and how I was feeling. She suggested regular exercise, (I was already doing that) getting a minimum of 100g of protein per day and to keep a record of my symptoms.
So I did just that and while the diet and exercise was consistent, the weight wasn't changing and the hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia persisted. I was then referred to another doctor who specializes in women's health. I'm talking all things peri/menopause related. She listened to my symptoms and got me started on hormone replacement therapy. HRT is not for everyone, but it can reduce/eliminate symptoms of hormonal changes in the body. After 2 weeks on it I could confidently say that the symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety and depression faded away. It was incredible!
As mentioned it's been nearly 60 days since I started HRT and I'm so grateful that it is changing my life for the better! The one thing I'm still working on is that darn visceral weight I've gained and I hope with a more rigid plan I'll see some better results. Stay tuned!
How To Get Help
If you sound like me and want to get some answers start by checking out the menopause.org website to find the nearest certified women's health practitioner near you. If it's a naturopath, you can likely make an appointment with them straight away. If it's an MD, you'll have to start by making an appointment with your doctor to get a referral. Some doctors may not be supportive of your quest to find answers but just remember that you have the right to see doctors that can help you get answers! Also please note that an OB/GYN is not the same as a women's health doctor!
I hope by sharing my story you'll feel empowered to take the steps to do what is right for you. I am rooting for you!

I raw dogged it for 4 years before getting any answers. It was made worse by the fact that is was shortly into the pandemic so symptoms could be blamed on that. Unfortunately I'm not a complete HRT candidate due to having to have a hysterectomy in 2015 due to early stage uterine cancer but am able for some and I'm grateful for that. So far my sleep has improved which is leading to better moods and energy for wanting to exercise or just get out of bed.
I'm so thankful for women like you that are open and honest and willing to talk about it. It is something that is a 100% guarantee for all women and it needs to be brought to the forefront.
Ugh! I’m so sorry that you had to live through that and the pandemic on top of it!
Happy to hear you’re finding your stride! And thank you for sharing your story!
It’s so important that we have these conversations!