My Perfect Mother’s Day

Interested in hearing my perfect Mother’s Day sounds like? I know it’s going to sound incredibly cliché for me to say this but being a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had the privilege to live through. However not for the reasons you may assume. Yes – children are such a gift. SUCH A GIFT. (in more ways than one LOL) and yet a mother’s mental fortitude is tested on the daily from the moment they give birth until probably the day we breathe our last breath.

Motherhood has taught me a lot more about myself. Who I am as an individual. Who I am as a provider. Who I am as a human being. You go through so many struggles wondering if you’re being a good mom, wondering if you’re leaving a good impression on your kids, wondering if they’ll grow up to be good people. And then you also wonder if you’re doing enough, or too much. What a wild ride.

Why have I found it rewarding? Here are 3 ways:

I’ve learned about how resilient I am. How I can be placed in the face of stress and worry and somehow still come out okay on the other side over and over again.

I’ve learned how I can be selfless. How I can continuously put the needs of others before my own repeatedly and still make time (albeit not enough time) to care for myself.

I’ve learned how to love and be loved. To be looked at by the eyes of my children and just see the love and joy radiating from them. To have them love me unconditionally despite my many flaws.

Knowing all of this makes the perfect mother’s day simple. Spending time with the ones I love and love me right back. We don’t have to do much but here are a few of things that fill up my cup:

  • enjoying a cup of hot coffee
  • handmade cards and gifts
  • spending time in the garden
  • baking or playing a game together
  • enjoying a home cooked meal
  • family movie night with all the snacks!

Sending every mother, mother-to-be, bereaved mother, those with strained relationships with children and vice versa a wonderful day of reflection, joy and love.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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