How To Camp Like A Vegan

Today's post is all about how to camp like a vegan. Camping as a vegan may sound complicated but I can assure you it isn't!
One of my fondest memories of my childhood are the summers we spent camping for weeks and weeks with my family. Having a family of my own, I have enjoyed being able to share camping traditions and experiences with my kids. Among all the biking, swimming and campfire-ing we do when we camp, camp food is definitely one of the things I look forward to preparing!
When we went vegan, I thought (as many of you might) that planning meals for a week of camping might be more challenging. I'm here to tell you that it is the LEAST stressful part about preparing to go away LOL! First off, the food spoilage/contamination issue is essentially a thing of the past. Because you're mainly stocking up with fresh fruits and veggies, tofu/meat alternatives, most items can last without needing to be in ice cold temperatures.

I like to separate my foods into two coolers: a cold storage and a dry cooler. This way only items that need to stay cold are kept cold! Having smaller containers of spices or ziplock baggies that I reuse over and over to take up less space. And I "Tupperware" to store leftovers so that there isn't any waste.

I also have a basket that is specific to all of my kitchen ware. My local dollar store had bought plates, mugs, bowls, prep bowls, metal cutlery, spatula, whisk, tongs, metal skewers and serving spoons. I really dislike having to use paper plates or create more waste so this makes it so we have a dedicated set for camping.
Vegan Meal Planning
If you're new to The Cake Mama party, then you may not know that I'm ALL FOR comfort food LOL! I love a good pancake breakfast with fruit sauce and whipped cream and a burger with fries on the side- so know that those are definitely on the menu whenever we go camping. On the flip side, I do like to balance that with a delicious tofu scramble, black bean street tacos and veggie skewers.
When it comes to planning meals for camping I like to break them down each day so I have a rough idea of what each breakfast, lunch and dinner is going to look like. I also find this is helpful for creating a list of the things I know I have in my pantry/fridge already and what I need to buy. Here's a list I created at our most recent camping trip:
Here are some links to recipes for some of the dishes we prepared:
- Sauce for Ginger Soy Curls
- French Toast
- Street Tacos
- Dry Pancake Mix - add all dry ingredients into a ziplock bag or container and add wet ingredients when you prepare!
Finally here is a printable grocery list for your camping adventure! I hope this helps you plan out your future camping trips and as always, find me on Instagram to ask any questions!

Grocery List: