Happy January!
Well hello there 2019! January is here and I'm super excited to be planning the next couple of months ahead of me. From product development, scheduling pop ups and workshops, I really can't wait to hit the ground running BUT there are a few words that come to my mind when I think about this new year:
Intentional. Joyful. Slow.
Intentional with my time and my projects. Joyful with each season that comes and embracing each experience. Slow- it ties in with my thoughts of being intentional and being able to take care of myself throughout this year.
As an entrepreneur it is SOOOO easy to get caught up in the rat race of cutting edge content and the feeling that you need to constantly re-invent yourself. You can get sidetracked from your own success because you're too busy looking at what someone else is doing thus NOT being intentional with your time.
I asked all of you in an instagram story about what you'd like to see more of this year and you all came back with: more tutorials, recipe sharing, pop ups and workshops! Well my sweet friends, that is exactly what I hope to be focusing on this year and that being said, I will continue to be closed for custom orders until further notice. I understand the frustration in this because since going vegan, there have been SO many of you wanting special treats that align with your lifestyle. If I have the availability, it will likely be shorter notice (1 month) and spots here and there.
I know all of you are just DYING to know (lol, jk) what I've got up my sleeve in terms of product development, but I'm a perfectionist and don't want to get ahead of myself before I can truly share and stand behind what I'm trying to put out there! BUT what I can show you is that I'm launching some FREE digital downloads today and I hope they will bring you a little happiness whenever you hop on your phone and your computer.
I hope all of you enjoy these fun images and I promise each month will just get cuter and cuter!
Thank you so much for your continued support of The Cake Mama. As a new year always brings change, my hope is that you will all grow with the change I have in store for this sweet little business of mine. Cheers to a new year everyone!