Best 5 Things I’ve Done For Me in 2021

Hello my sweet friends,

I knew when I went into my stories this afternoon to ask you whether or not you read regular ole blogs anymore that most of you would say no, LOL. But what I didn’t know is how many of you would be sweet enough to say, “I love following you but I just don’t have time to read these days!” This compelled me even more to write even though despite the response on the poll. Truthfully I was going to write anyways. 😂

2021. 25 days in and as much as I wanted it to feel “different” in the ways most New Years do, it doesn’t- at all. I’m sure we can all relate that even though we’re all moving forward in some shape or form, every day just sort of feels like a repeat of the day before it; each day having moments of pure “WTF is going on here”, moments of motivation and joy.

I’ve never been much of a planner. I’m typically a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal. This year though I have found it helpful to plan a little, giving myself something to do, something to look forward to or otherwise something to hope to have the energy to do.

I thought I’d share what’s been keeping my head above water these days.  Maybe if you’re feeling a little lost or overwhelmed you might find these little things helpful to you. Here goes nothing! 🤍

 1. Schedule hot baths.

Seriously, schedule them in! It is the most relaxing, freeing and comforting thing to be soaking in a tub while wearing a face mask and either reading a book, scrolling the gram or reading my blog 🤣

 2. Make time for movement.

I struggled with this concept a lot. Most of my mindset of being “active” is synonymous with losing weight (thanks diet culture and body shaming!) so I have always attached exercise to having an end goal, not for wellness. And I find now that I’ve let go of the tracking apps, slowly forgetting about the scale I am relearning what it means to move my body each day and realizing what a good (and short!) sweat can do for my overall well-being.

 3. Eat good food.

LOL- Mi Goreng noodles and all! 😂😂😂 But seriously though, eat good whole food. Make drool worthy salads and nourishing bowls. Experience flavors you’ve never had and truly enjoy the moment. From a vegan’s perspective, don’t be afraid to try food that goes beyond what your parents taught you to eat. Explore cuisines, make a new recipe every other week. Life is too short to eat the same thing! 

4. Go to bed earlier.

This one is a work in progress but it is a huge focus of mine to unplug and get a good nights sleep. I have dreams of getting up at 6am like you crazy people (Kidding!!) and working out, showering and preparing breakfast for my kids. What it really looks like? Me struggling to be up at 7, snoozing until 715 (ok maybe 730) while most of my kids are up, dressed and having breakfast. 😬 And I go to bed at 10! I have a hard time turning off the brain, but I do have days where I do wake up and feel rested so I’ll take those few days as a win. 😂

5. Connect with people.

FaceTime your family, connect with your partner, create stay in date nights or game/movie/puzzle nights with your kids so you have something to look forward to after a long week. These have become such a highlight and we are building so many great memories together! 

There you have it my friends. The things that make waking up each day a joy for me! I would love to know what you’ve been doing to keep you going this year. Feel free to join the conversation in my post on Instagram- I love being inspired by you. 🤍

Until next time,
Izabela, xo

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